What is Pantomime Ballet?
A contemporary interdisciplinary reading from
the action ballet of J. G Noverre. Collaboration with Mark Franco.
This altered and performative version of the ballet “Agamemnon vengé” by J.G. Noverre, is a response to the invitation of the International Seminar Futures of Eighteenth-Century Dance, organized by the Department of Interdisciplinary Research in the Arts at Temple University, Philadelphia in February 2024. It seeks to answer from practical research to the question of What is Pantomime Ballet? and specifically what are the choreographic movements, gestural composition and emotional affectation that are intertwined in it to shape a hybrid and elusive language. From this practical composition also generates an invitation to review and reinterpret the classic characters of the repertoire from a contemporary perspective and linked to the feminist, phenomenological and interdisciplinary perspective.